Tuesday, 17 June 2014

to quote Elton John

I'm still standing.

Actually, I'm doing more than that, I'm running. Not particularly fast but running. I'm back to my daily commutes an averaging 50miles again. Longest run has been 26.2 miles (bored on a bank holiday and ran to North Berwick) Also been racing. Did Loch Leven half marathon, and scraped 1.49. hilly route and my foot hurt after.

That's still what's causing issues. Hills. We did the 7 hills couple weeks ago(16.5miles) and my foot hurt going up the steepest parts and I was bit sore afterwards. It's not stopping me running though. nope.

So after all this time, seen doc, seen physio (private)  had x-rays and been referred to specialist. 10 weeks later I finally get to the hospital for my appointment. I'd ran to work that day so naturally I ran to appointment. I arrived to find a waiting room full of either old people with walking sticks, or younger (ish) people with walking sticks

Even had wee booklets available on how best to walk with a walking stick. And signs like this.


Anyway, my knees are fine. Used to get problems with knees when I first started running, that led to back pain which led to no running for nearly a yr and being in pain everyday. I fixed that my fixing my running style, more on that later.

Of course you all know abut my bashed knees, that's an altogether different story but I'll try not to digress.

Nurse came out to get me and I met lovely doctor who asked me what happened, got me to walk back and forth in bare feet then prodded foot a bit more and asked more questions. I've had everything suggested to me. Dropped metatarsal, stress fracture, mortons neuroma, stress pressure and bursitis. Google any of them and I have all the symptom's of them all. Dr Google, don't you just love it.

Specialist didn't seem to know what to make of it, then said it was mortons neuroma. And said I needed orthotics. He said *you're obviously fit and healthy* not sure what that's got to do with anything, I just want my fot pain to go away thanks.

The nurse (or was it his trainee, or junior? I dunno) asked me if I was a forefoot striker. I replied that yes, I was, well I tried to be anyway. Even went on a weekend course to stop myself heel striking and run better (pose running if anyone interested)
This is what led to aforementioned knee then back problems, see I looked at the cause, not the fix and how to avoid it happening again.
Here's me in 2007 
here's one few yrs later at Glenmore, I'm far from perfect but I certainly never had same issues again.

Where am I going with all this ? Well, when I mentioned forefoot striking they looked at each other and the doc told me I should cut down my mileage. He said I should take ibuprofen and ice my foot. This is 4 months after my original injury remember. And that I *probably* needed an orthotic. When I protested about this saying I'm *more of a minimalist* girl he agreed it was better but I should try something. Oh and the wait for that? 10weeks.
Parting shot
"you'd best go back to heel striking"

Cheers Doc.

So after nearly 3 month wait I get told to rest, ice and take drugs, to go back to heel striking and not run long distance. Oh and to wait another 10 weeks to see if an orthotic might work once I get another appointment to get it fitted of course, then wait for it to be made I presume?

I ran back to work and tried to forget I'd been there. Crashing disappointment after all that time. I'm not entirely sure what I expected but I know I didn't get it.

In meantime. I'll just carrying on running and carry on ignoring the pain and rest when I have to.

C'est a vie , carpe Diem

and other such clichés.........

On a more positive note- WHW race this weekend! ok I'm not running this year but I'll be right by the RD's  side. giving out hugs to all and plenty who need them.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

And then it was gone

Haven't blogged for a while and I'd like to get back into the habit of doing so but I fear I'll have nothing much to talk about it.

Most of you know I've been struggling this yr with niggles leading up to a foot injury. I think I did it at the national XC at Fakirk as I was limping that night. I left it a couple of days then ran to work, then rested then ran and so on. No improvement. It was sore right at bottom of my second big toe.  Which permeated right a cross bottom of all my toes the more I ran. Ian suggested it was bruised whereas I felt I'd broken the bloody thing but I went with bruise idea.

So I rested for w eek, no running at all. Bus in and out every day. This led me to A weekend up in Tyndrum for Thomas the crazy Germans birthday celebrations. I really wanted to run that day so thought a weeks rest should do it. Fail. I managed 10 miles and was rescued by Thomas in car. I couldn't even wear high heels that night, things are getting pretty serious when that happens.

Still, we had a wonderful weekend and Nick drove all way from Lincoln to see us and run a bit too, the crazy Englishman I call him. So running on it hadn't helped, neither had resting. Time to see Physio then. It's not that I wasn't looking for answers, I thought it would be better to try resting or see if it healed itself instead of rushing off to see Guy for him to say, rest it and come back in 2 weeks.

As it happens  that kinda what he did anyway. After sending me for X-ray to rule out stress fracture his other thought was Morton's neuroma. After being back there last Wednesday he decided it want the latter , which I'm relieved at. Wrong place on foot totally. When he presses the middle of my upper foot it's very sore on a certain bone. X-rays were negative btw.

So here aim at 6am with my running gear on ready to test out a run for 20mins. I've to log how it feels and pain level. The fact that I was limping on Monday and it's been sore all week is not filling me with hope I have to say. Which brings me on to whw race. I'm out. No point flogging a dead horse. I might be able to get round it but I'm not doing that. When I stand on that start line  I shall be there in top form, to give it everything I have and be fitt after a good 6months training like I was sat year.

It was a tough decision, and Ian told me to have a think about it as I still had bit of time. But I had, and after limping around at work all day my mind was made up. I can't avoid being on feet at work so short of chucking my job in I can't take complete rest but I doubt that would make difference anyway. I've been gymming, doing bike, cross trainer and weights but even those are Agravating foot.

It's not end of world, the race will always be there as will plenty others and there are people much worse off than me, i will heal (I hope) at some point and be back running again. In meantime I just have to be patient and get my ever present Marshall's hat/smiley face plastered on and threaten folk out of my checkpoints.

One Year + on...

Oh Dear, more than a year since my last blog when i promised myself i would blog more. After SDW race i was more than a bit broken. Luckil...